we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Galatians 6:9
Isn't that a beautiful basket of food? When I saw this basket sitting on my kitchen counter I knew I had to share it's beauty with you. I love the rich colors and smells from fresh produce. I like food fresh from the garden. It makes me think that God is saying, "Here you go, this is a gift for you."
You've heard me brag about all the flowers that Steve plants, but I don't think I've mentioned the garden spots. I guess we have had a vegetable garden almost every year that we've been married. Some have been large, some have been small. One year we had a huge garden, it took up our entire backyard. Steve has always been the outdoor person in our marriage. In our earlier years, I don't think he realized that I had grown up working in gardens, snapping beans, shucking corn, etc. I remember once I offered to weed the garden for him. He was quite surprised that I knew how to do it!
This year Steve underestimated our garden's abilities to grow. We don't have a great garden area, so he figured some of what he planted would die out. I think everything with the exception of broccoli has out done itself. I don't know how many hundreds of cherry tomatoes he has picked, along with squash, okra, beans, peas, and tomatoes.
I have been toying with the idea of canning tomatoes. I've frozen peas, beans and corn before, but canning tomatoes will be a new experience. I will let you know if I get brave enough to try it.
I've had a busy week since my last treatment. I did my usual hibernation for 3-4 days, but once I got back on my feet I was out and about. I'm trying to stay busy and as active as possible. This week is a big week at our house. My PET scan is scheduled for tomorrow with the results on Thursday. This test will show what these nasty tumors have been doing for the past three months. Our prayer continues to be that God's glory will be shown and that our faith is strong enough to continue praising God through the storm. I have several friends that are also having cancer tests this week. I pray they will find their strength and peace in God.
Have a great week!
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