
Welcome to my world!

Many people have said I should write a book.  I don't know anything about writing a book.  Actually, I don't know a whole lot about anything.  I'm not a good cook so a cookbook is out of the question.  My children will attest that I shouldn't write a parenting manual and I definitely can't write a how-to on making a ton of money!

The only thing I know a lot about is how to be me.  Good or bad I am who I am - a sinner saved by God's grace.

What may set me apart and prompt folks to suggest a book is my diagnosis of terminal cancer and my desire for God to use it for His glory.  The most difficult task during my illness has been continuing to live while I know I am dying.  Through this website I am inviting you to join me as I am learning to live each day as it comes.  Come on in!  I hope you enjoy your visit and will stop by often.


  1. You're awesome at being you! ;)

  2. I just love reading your blogs! Amy, you are such an inspiration to so many people and you have no idea how much you touch my heart! Thank you so much for all the reminders of how beautiful life is and what an awesome God we serve! I pray for you daily and I thank God daily for putting amazing people like you in my life! I know we don't know each other well but God knew what he was doing and just what I needed when he led me to meet you the first time through our children and Diane Arnold at FUMC and then when I started going to GFBC it put such a huge smile on my face to learn that (even though we don't sit near each other or see each other at church much) just to know your precious face is there with arms raised high and enjoying the same wonderful worship as me with our Awesome God! If you EVER need anything day or night even if it's just an extra little prayer please know that I am here for you and always know you have an inspired friend out here in this big old beautiful world that you have touched her heart tremendously and know you are always in my thoughts and prayers! I mean it, if you need ANYTHING no matter how big or small please never hesitate to call me 205-285-7658, I will be right there!
