Friday, April 5, 2013

I See the Moon, the Moon Sees Me

God's faithfulness - pure joy for those who believe His word and rely on His promises, despair for those who doubt His word and defy His warnings.

One evening while traveling back home from a visit with my daughter, God gave me an object lesson on His faithfulness.

 I had noticed how the moon was big and bright.  I commented on it as we left my daughter's driveway.  I attributed it's brightness to the rural area where she and my son-in-law live.  As my husband and I made it on to the interstate the moon was framed perfectly in my passenger side window.  I was totally mesmerized!  It was relaxing to lean back and stare at the moon.  For a while I was lost in my thoughts, just me and the moon.  Suddenly an embankment came between me and the moon.  Like a child playing peek-a-boo I was startled that my moon had disappeared and then delighted at it's reappearance as we passed the hill.  Admittedly, I felt a little foolish about this, but my moon was back so I just kept starting...literally staring into space.  Soon we came upon another hill, this time I knew the moon would reappear when we passed the hill.  I'm a quick learner.  :-)  As the landscape changed more things came between me and my moon.  Sometimes it was partially hidden, sometimes I was watching through trees and then BAM it was back in clear view.

Slowly a sweet feeling came into my spirit.  Just like the moon was ushering me home that night, the presence and love of God is ushering me home.  Sometimes I am so overwhelmed by His presence that I can't take my eyes away.  Other times I let earthly things block my view.  I let doubts and insecurities block out the love and steadfastness of God.  He gently leads me away from those earthly woes and my soul claps with delight when I see that He is still there - big and bright and beautiful, more than able to see me through to His Promised Land.

Thank you God for your faithfulness!

Numbers 23:19

"God is not a man, that he should lie, neither the son of man, that he should repent; hath he said, and will he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and will he not make it good?  (American Standard)

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