During my time with cancer I have come to realize the important things I wanted in my life. Some of them I missed - like staying home to raise my children. Those are days I can't get back. I wanted to learn to can or freeze vegetables grown on my land. A throwback to seeing my grandmothers do those things. To live a more simple life, with less THINGS and more TIME. To live a life more focused on God, more focus on helping the hurting, reaching out to the lost.
When I was young my mother's kitchen seemed to be the place where ladies of the neighborhood would gather. I remembered it to be almost every morning, but that may just be my memories version of the truth. They would gather around the kitchen table and drink coffee and talk. I don't know what they talked about - I was too young to care or notice. But I knew they were there and each of these women became a large part of my childhood. Today, during my quiet time with God, I realized that I long for that in my life right now. I long for my lady friends to come to my kitchen table, drink coffee and talk about our lives. I know my friends, I know that we would talk about God and our lives with Him, we would pray for each other and the things going on in each of our lives.
So today I decided I would share my morning devotion with you, my friends. I will share the scripture I read and the songs I listened to during this time. I would love for you to share with me your thoughts on these things or maybe the scripture you've read or songs you've heard that have touched you today...I know with today's technology you can easily access the songs and scripture.
Songs: "Come to Jesus", sung by Chris Rice and, "It is Well with My Soul" Selah
Scripture that I meditated on today: David's Prayer of Praise to God. 1 Chronicles 29:10-19. Read this prayer, then pray this prayer...It is beautiful!
The verse I'm concentrating on this week: "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" Psalm 90:12
My thoughts on this verse: Each day is filled with opportunities, challenges and choices. The choice to put God first in each day. The choice to not let daily demands and struggles take our focus off God. Why is this the busiest time of year? This should be a peaceful time of reflection and adoration of our Savior?
"I urge you now to live the life to which God called you" Ephesians 4:1.
Thank you for joining me in my morning devotion. I hope your day is one where you gain a heart of wisdom and that you live the life to which God has called you!